Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Computer Hangover

After yoga yesterday morning, I spent most of the day and much of the evening at the computer, working on writing I had to get done.  I was in a great place mentally, feeling creatively juicy and productive. 

As the day wore on, a dull, congested feeling began to edge out the elation of accomplishment.  By 10 pm I was depleted and went to bed. 

But a good night's sleep?  Not to be had.  I tossed and turned most of the night, dozing lightly and then just waking up.

At some point it occurred to me that I had OD'd on the computer.  That staring at a monitor for so many hours did something hideous to my brain, even as I was getting so much done.

This morning I was able to sleep in a bit, but the computer hangover lingers.  Anyone else out there experience this sort of thing?

I definitely need to get better at taking some real breaks when I spend a lot of time with keyboard and monitor.  The kind of suggestion I often make to stressed-out clients, of course!

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